$159.00 USD

Every year

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EduProtocols Plus Pro Subscription

Teach better, work less, and achieve more with students for less than one might spend on teaching resource websites in a year

  • Full library of EduProtocol lesson design templates and unit plans (Well over 100 with more being added every month)
  • Intimate, member-only live broadcasts with EduProtocols authors and faculty (3 to 4 per month)
  • On-demand access to over 200 live show recordings with supporting materials
  • 10 courses that guide you step-by-step through implementation (with optional graduate credit available!)
  • Live coaching sessions
  • Pay by credit card or purchase order

* Plan will auto-renew after 1 year with no price increase

What People Are Saying:

EduProtocols is an incredible pedagogical approach that allows for maximum student engagement, multiple reps take students from practice to perfection in short order using technology, leaving nothing for teachers to grade!

Michael McCormick, Superintendent, Val Verde Unified School District

EduProtocols have become part of our district signature practices. Our teachers love the way the protocols shift the cognitive workload to the students.

Michael Morrison, Chief Technology Officer, Laguna Beach Unified School District